Do you need assistance to ensure that you and your loved ones have a clean and well-organized living environment? Our homemakers can help you. With their services, not only will your floor be thoroughly swept or mopped clean, but you can also ensure that your bathroom floor will be kept dry, and your walkways will be cleared of clutter and unnecessary furniture. Your frequently used and counters and furniture will be disinfected, and sharp and hazardous objects are kept at a safe place to avoid accidents.
Homemaker services shall be provided by personal care aides or homemakers. Homemaker services shall include activities based on the assessment of the client’s needs, including but not limited to:
- Routine housecleaning such as sweeping, mopping, dusting, making beds, washing dishes, cleaning toilets, sinks, showers, or bathtubs, or disposing of rubbish;
- Care of clothing and linens, including washing, drying, ironing, and mending;
- Shopping for household supplies, clothing, and personal essentials;
- Running errands or picking up medication;
- Shopping for food or preparing meals;
- Escorting the client to medical care services or to nutritional or recreational programs; and
- Assisting with simple health care routines such as reminders to take oral medication, to maintain diet restrictions, or to perform recommended exercises.
Homemaker services do not include the management of the client’s money or finances, or the balancing of the client’s checkbook.
Do you have more questions? Please let us know by sending us a message or giving us a call.